
「建設テック(2:設計) BIM、MR、スマートマテリアル」







それにしても設計の仕事風景変は激変した。私が若い頃、図面は定規と鉛筆で書くものでしたw  今の若い人がやったら「だっるぅ」って怒ると思う。やがて図面はPCとマウスで書くCADに代わりました。


これMR(Mixed Reality=複合現実。現実の空間とデジタルデータが重なって見える技術)って技術なんだけれど、現実空間にBIM・CIMのデータを表示することができます。これをつけるだけで新入社員でも知ったかぶりできます。

設計の仕事はもうCG屋さんです。ライバルはPixerだと言っていいw あと、形状記憶や光応答材料など、嘘みたいな素材(スマートマテリアル)が出てきているから、時々、化学者にもならないといけない。もうね、こんなの建築設計じゃないってwww




(0:はじめに) 生き残りをかけた建設テックって何よ
(1:調査) ドローン、AI劣化診断(修繕工事)
(2:設計) BIM、MR(デジタルツイン)、スマートマテリアル
(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場、モジュール施工
(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB



“Construction Tech (2: Design) – BIM, MR, Smart Materials”
(The photo shows Duck-kun working with MR)

While there aren’t many truly beneficial qualifications, national certifications in the construction industry are extremely valuable. The law strictly regulates who can work in the field – you can’t work without certifications or start a business without them. This makes certified professionals highly privileged.

Construction industry certifications require practical experience, which makes them annoying to obtain, but that’s exactly what makes certified professionals so powerful. I myself hold certifications like “Telecommunications Management Engineer” and “Grade 2 Civil Engineering Construction Management Technician.”

I really hated studying for these certifications when my seniors told me to. I even ridiculed it, thinking I’d never use this knowledge. I never imagined these certifications would help me so much in life.

If you want to start a business in the construction industry, you absolutely should get certified. For design work, which is our topic today, you’ll need qualifications like architect certification or construction management technician certification to start a business.

The design workplace has changed so much! When I was young, drawings were made with rulers and pencils (lol). Today’s young people would probably say “that’s so boring!” Eventually, drawings shifted to CAD using PCs and mice.

CAD drawings later evolved into 3D CAD (three-dimensional drawings), and recently they’re transitioning to integrated systems like BIM, or its civil engineering version “CIM,” which include materials, processes, and costs within the 3D drawings.

But that’s not all. Take a look at this – Apple Vision Pro is seriously amazing.
This is MR (Mixed Reality – technology where digital data overlays with real space) technology that can display BIM/CIM data in real space. Just wearing this allows even new employees to appear knowledgeable.

Design work is now basically CG work. You could say our rivals are Pixar! Also, with the emergence of seemingly magical materials (smart materials) like shape-memory alloys and light-responsive materials, we sometimes need to be chemists too. This isn’t even architectural design anymore (lol).

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“That’s exactly why you can swim in blue oceans.”




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

「まさかが訪れたAI業界 このタイミングでブラックスワン?」

(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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