

(写真はクロード computer useの利用画面です)

(写真はクロード computer useの利用画面です)

昨日(10月23日)突然発表になったAI・Claude(クロード)のパブリックベータ「computer use」を社内で見せてもらった。もうね、すごい衝撃!

天気予報教えて、とか、交通混雑を調べて、東京のね。って「クロード・computer use(以下クロードcuと呼びます)」に日本語でお願いしてみました(AIにお願いをすることをプロンプトと言います)。その後クロードの動きをじーっと、みてると凄すぎて笑います、ほんとに。









“Claude CU is Accelerating Career Changes”

(Photo: Claude computer use interface)

What the heck?! This is unbelievable!!

Yesterday (October 23), we checked out the public beta of AI Claude’s “computer use” in the office. The shock was real!

I asked it things like, “What’s the weather forecast?” or “Check the traffic congestion, in Tokyo.” Claude CU, as I’ll call it, was able to understand and respond instantly (this interaction is called a “prompt”). Watching it work was mind-blowing.

When you input a prompt, Claude CU first scans the environment it’s operating in. It opens browsers and navigates to sites automatically. The funniest part? It encountered a site with a usage agreement and automatically clicked “ACCEPT” without hesitation—almost as if it were thinking, “Yeah, this looks safe.” The AI is clearly more IT literate than most IT departments!

It autonomously navigates weather and traffic websites and accurately selects Tokyo when needed. Soon, the data is displayed in clear visuals.

You can even upload data, issue prompts, and watch as Claude CU structures its environment, aggregates the data, reads the results aloud, and sends them via chat. It’s so easy!

In the next year, I’m certain we’ll see massive shifts in white-collar jobs and layoffs. Claude CU does things faster, more accurately, and without the costs of human labor.

White-collar and sales professionals who are at risk of being replaced by AI need to shift to jobs that only humans can do. If companies don’t start retraining and reallocating people soon, they’ll face huge problems as AI evolves.

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Executives need to get serious about learning… or they won’t be able to protect their employees.”

By the way, if you’re interested, you can try it out here on GitHub. The virtual environment is relatively safe for testing!




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

「まさかが訪れたAI業界 このタイミングでブラックスワン?」

(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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