野口 高志 株式会社ダックビル / CEO
何しているんだろう。参加者を見ると部門もバラバラなので不思議です。興味がでたので画面を良く見ると「電話」が映っている。でもって会話の内容は「声のトーンを上げた方がいい」とか「顧客に不信感を与える」とか論議している。しばらく見ているとカードゲームのように対戦している。顧客 VS 社員だ。
The skills we need are not about telecommunication, but about heart-to-heart communication.
(The photo shows young employees engaged in a fierce telephone reception battle.)
The photo depicts it well, but the other day, while I was stretching in the gym booth, I heard the sound of applause. “Huh?” I thought, and when I turned my face towards the sound, I saw young employees passionately discussing something while starting and stopping a YouTube video.
I wondered what they were doing. The participants were from different departments, so I was curious. When I looked closely at the screen, I saw a “telephone.” They were discussing things like “You should raise the tone of your voice” or “That will make the customer distrustful.” After watching for a while, I realized they were having a card game-like battle: customer vs. employee.
Ah, I see, they’re practicing telephone responses. I smiled warmly. At the same time, I wondered how other companies handle telephone and customer service training.
Duckbill is a manufacturing company, so many of the mid-career hires are engineers and designers. However, many of these people initially struggle with basic career skills like telephone and customer service. The last time they learned it was probably during new employee training, and they haven’t had any real-world experience or learned from their seniors. If their seniors were good at it, they would have taught them the importance of it, so I guess they grew up in an environment where their seniors weren’t good at it either.
At our company, everyone, regardless of whether they are in sales, CS, engineering, design, or management, answers the phone and serves customers when they visit. Sometimes, I, the CEO, even serve tea. They are not someone’s customers, but everyone’s customers, so it’s natural for everyone to value them.
Sadly, some people leave the company soon after joining. Freelancers and temporary workers, in particular, have a high turnover rate, so we have stopped asking them to join. The reason for leaving is mostly “communication,” and they are tired of Duckbill’s corporate culture of “positive discussion.”
When I ask them, they tell me, “I’m thinking of using my specialized career as a weapon to work as a freelancer or start my own business in a home-based or nature-surrounded environment, while enjoying my hobbies…” I envy them… After 25 years of crawling as a manager, being battered by society, and making one mistake after another, I can’t look directly at them because they are so radiant and dazzling.
In the future, the expertise of all white-collar workers will be no match for AI. However, for the time being, there are areas where AI cannot beat humans. That is “humanity.” I believe the difference between intelligence and artificial intelligence is the “heart.” Even telephone responses are now being handled by AI automatic responses, but the “heart” cannot be reached by AI’s automated voice.
The ability to empathize, the ability to notice problems, the ability to accompany problems, and the sense of responsibility to carry them through. These basic “human qualities = heart” are genuine skills that are not affected by the times. If you don’t put yourself in an environment where you can develop such abilities and improve yourself, I think both companies and individuals will lose their jobs.
Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Start your heart, not your PC.”