



私はWindowsが登場するずっと前に、初めてCP/MやBASICに触れたときの感動を今でも覚えています。手の中で未来が動いているような気がしました。同じように、Windows 95でインターネットが使えるようになった時も、世界が大きく変わる予感にワクワクしました。






“The Biggest Opportunity in 50 Years”
Photo Description
The photo shows our AI handling internal personnel evaluations. It’s fairer than I am (LOL).

The Beginning of My Excitement
Long before Windows appeared, I first encountered CP/M and BASIC, and I still remember the thrill. It felt like the future was moving in my hands. I had a similar feeling of excitement when Windows 95 made the internet accessible, sensing that the world was about to change dramatically.

Past Experiences
Forty years ago, I was excitedly showing a program I made with BASIC, only to be told, “An abacus is faster.” Thirty years ago, when it took a minute to display text on an internet screen, people scoffed, saying, “FAX is faster.” Today, you rarely see people working with calculators or fax machines.

The Evolution of Technology and Social Change
When computers and the internet started becoming popular, there were many debates about jobs disappearing. However, jobs involving calculations and communication of results have not vanished; in fact, the workload has increased. What disappeared were the abacus, fax machines, and the workplaces of those who couldn’t adapt to new tools.

The Impact of AI
The speed at which AI is evolving is astounding. It will change the way we work far more rapidly than computers or the internet ever did. Computers transformed society over decades, the internet did it over years, but AI will bring about significant changes annually.

The Challenge of the New Era
In the 1980s, people in their 50s had ten years to adapt. In the 2000s, they had five years. Now, in the 2020s, we have just one year. It’s exhilarating—there’s never been a time when those who notice and adapt to changes early have such an advantage. Those who figure out how to leverage AI to transform society will undoubtedly encounter great opportunities. Let’s learn and challenge ourselves together. An unprecedented opportunity is right before us!

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
Let’s enjoy AI technology and be the ones to change society.




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

「まさかが訪れたAI業界 このタイミングでブラックスワン?」

(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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