










“Do You Prefer a Human Boss or an AI Boss?”

(The picture shows my mother’s childhood home, worn out but filled with fond memories.)

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about the “fairness” that AI can bring. Collecting data, analyzing it, and making decisions based on it is what we call “data-driven.” In a data-driven approach, emotions are unnecessary; you simply analyze the facts objectively and decide what actions to take. AI is the cornerstone and engine of a data-driven society.

I’ve tested various data-driven approaches using our internal data. I believe AI’s decision-making capabilities far exceed human judgment. In some tests, I even sensed an unknown intelligence. AI doesn’t age, doesn’t get sick, and constantly learns the latest advancements. I think humanity has invented something incredible.

The more participants and data involved, and the larger the stakes, the more accurate the AI’s data-driven decisions will be. Humans simply cannot process exponentially changing factors. With this in mind, I wondered if we could replace “politics” with AI, which requires exponential decision-making.

Currently, there are 713 members of the National Diet, with an annual cost of 75 million yen per member. Local governments have over 32,000 members, each earning more than 6 million yen annually. This means the annual subscription cost for National Diet members is 53 billion yen, and for local government members, it is 192 billion yen. The total budget amounts to 245 billion yen annually. This is the maintenance cost.

Typically, system maintenance costs are considered to be 15% (6.6 times the initial development cost). If we can allocate 245 billion yen annually, we could theoretically replace politicians with a system costing approximately 1.61 trillion yen.

…Isn’t this possible?
With such a budget, the current technology can feed administrative data and public opinions into AI to determine the best way to allocate the budget to maximize happiness and fairness. AI can consider how to distribute resources to benefit the most vulnerable, ensuring that society is not driven by the loudest voices or vested interests.

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“I trust AI more than humans for political decisions.”




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

「まさかが訪れたAI業界 このタイミングでブラックスワン?」

(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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