






気になったのでついでに建設テックの市場規模がどれぐらいの勢いで伸びているのか調べてみました。「建設4.0」と呼ばれる分野が注目されていて(IoT=モノのインターネット、ビッグデータ、AI=人工知能、ロボティクス、BIM=Building Information Modelingなどの先進技術を統合したもの)なんと年平均成長率(CAGR)は17.7%にも達します。(出典:AkkiedMarketResearch、DeloitteInsights)



“If the Population Decreases, Just Increase Productivity”

The current domestic population is 122 million. In 20 years, it is expected to decrease by about 6 million to 116 million (a 5% decrease). This rate of population decline is quite serious.

However, the construction industry is facing an even greater challenge. Currently, there are 5 million workers in the construction industry, but in 20 years, this number is expected to decrease to 4 million (a 20% decrease). This means the construction industry will lose workers at a rate more than four times faster than the general population decline. Despite being a promising industry with an annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 3% due to the National Resilience Plan, the workforce is shrinking rapidly (source: TechSci Research).

In simple terms, while the market demand is increasing by 3% annually, the workforce is decreasing by about 1% annually. This creates a significant gap of around 4%, which I believe will be filled by construction tech. The reduced labor force must be supplemented by increased productivity through construction tech. While this is a serious issue for the industry, it presents a great opportunity for us.

I was curious about the growth rate of the construction tech market, so I did some research. The field known as “Construction 4.0” is gaining attention, integrating advanced technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), big data, AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, and BIM (Building Information Modeling). The annual growth rate (CAGR) of this sector is an impressive 17.7% (source: Allied Market Research, Deloitte Insights).

To urgently fill this 4% gap, construction tech is being developed and introduced to the market at a tremendous pace. DuckBuild currently has six products, and we need to increase their usage by more than 17% annually while researching and developing at least one new product each year. This is an exciting and unique opportunity in Japan. I’m grateful for this chance and plan to work incredibly hard, without overexerting myself.

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Challenges are the cradle of great technology.”




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

「まさかが訪れたAI業界 このタイミングでブラックスワン?」

(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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