

早いと言えば来年はダックビル創業10年目になります。業績も悪くはなかったし経営も軌道に乗ってきたので、久しぶりに「おかげさま お歳暮」を年末に贈らせていただくことにしました。








“Occasionally Sent Year-End Gifts”

(The photo is of the thank-you letter sent along with the year-end gifts)

Time flies, doesn’t it? It’s already the end of the year. Speaking of time flying, next year Duckbuild will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Our performance hasn’t been bad, and our management is finally on track, so we’ve decided to resume sending year-end gifts as a token of our gratitude.

After 25 years in management, I truly understand how tough running a business can be. I wonder if the years you can genuinely say, “Ah, this was a good year,” only come once every three to five years…

That’s why, in those “good years,” we send “Mid-Year or Year-End Gifts” to our employees’ families along with a letter updating them on our activities. It’s very well received, and it brings great joy to our employees. However, the hard part is when we cannot send these gifts because the business isn’t doing well.

In terms of cost, it’s only about 200,000 yen, so technically, I could send them every year just for the sake of formality. But even if I can buy the gifts, I can’t write the letter when we’re not turning a profit and our employees look downcast.

It’s painful to write a report saying, “Thank you, we were able to persevere this year thanks to the support from all your families,” and it’s hard to choose gifts when my heart isn’t in it, and even harder to send them when I see the gloomy faces of our employees. It feels like lying, so I just can’t write or send them.

Therefore, the years when I can send the year-end gifts really bring a sigh of relief. Ah, we must have managed well this year, I’m grateful. At such times, writing the letter is enjoyable, selecting the gifts feels meaningful, and sending them fills me with gratitude and happiness.

This year, we sent dried fish from the 50-year-old Numazu brand “Kanesei Fisheries,” a traditional flavor long preserved by our employees’ families. Please enjoy it with your family! And after you have, please continue to support the Duckbill employees. I’m sure we’ll be able to send them again. 😊

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Let’s manage to be able to send gifts every year.”