










“Management is like fortune-telling.”

The photo shows the trends in U.S. employment statistics and labor income (Source: Dai-ichi Life Economic Research Institute).

This year marks my 25th year in management. During these 25 years, I have experienced three major economic risks: the IT bubble burst, the Lehman Shock, and the COVID-19 pandemic. I have seen many acquaintances suffer, and I too have had some tough days after having to declare bankruptcy. The risks in management must be minimized.

A business leader I admire, Kazuo Inamori, used to say, “Envision optimistically, plan pessimistically, and execute optimistically.” His words are truly educational. While I can manage optimistic envisioning and execution, pessimistic planning is difficult, even after 25 painful years.

I believe that the most important aspect of pessimistic planning is careful analysis of the global economy. I think we are close to facing the fourth major global economic risk. The Chinese economy, which is tightly linked economically, is in a devastating state. Europe and Canada have also announced interest rate cuts this month due to worsening economic conditions. Even the U.S., which we rely on, reported housing starts at 1.36 million, below expectations, and consumer loan delinquency rates are at a 13-year high.

If the U.S. starts cutting interest rates, it would signal the start of a global economic downturn. That’s why I was very focused on the economic indices announced on June 7th (U.S. employment statistics and unemployment rate).

“???” What is this? U.S. employment increased by 272,000. But the unemployment rate also rose to 4.0%. (The number of job openings also significantly decreased—from 2.0 times to 1.24 times.) Something unheard of is happening… Employment is increasing, yet the unemployment rate is rising. Upon further investigation, it turns out that the number of regular employees is decreasing while the number of self-employed and freelancers is increasing (36% of all workers). It seems that U.S. employers are laying off regular employees and transitioning to more convenient employment systems.

Given this, I think it’s better to manage pessimistically, planning as if the world economy will crash. Like fortune-telling, even if bad results come, one should not despair but instead reflect on oneself and act cautiously.

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
Both management and fortune-telling are statistics.




(4:管理) IoTセンシング、サブスク、D2C、AI-RDB

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(3:施工) ロボティクス(RX)、デジタイズ、遠隔臨場

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