野口 高志 株式会社ダックビル / CEO
良いシステムとは、どんなシステムでしょうか。私はこれまでの仕事を効率的に楽にしてくれるシステムこそが役にたつ良いシステムだと考えています。だから、AS IS(現状)の分析を丁寧にすることがとっても大切だと考えています。
写真はシステム設計にあたってユーザーからヒアリングしたAS ISの状態をリアルタイムに図示して皆でワイワイやっているところです。このAS IS分析がすっごく疲れるのよ。めちゃくちゃ脳みそ使う。
TO BE(あるべき姿)=「バカ×ズル」です。
“Trickery and Foolishness: Key Skills for Developers”
(Photo: Our proud programmer, Kazu Maezono. Despite being named Kazu, he goes by Maezono.)
What makes a good system? I believe that a good system is one that makes our work more efficient and easier. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze the current state (“as-is”).
The photo shows us illustrating the “as-is” state in real-time during user interviews, having lively discussions. This AS IS analysis is incredibly exhausting and mentally demanding.
Simply creating a workflow doesn’t require much brainpower, but finding the “foolish” parts and understanding the current state is extremely tiring. If one engineer (or designer) can find 5 foolish things in a workflow, while another can find 10, the performance of the created system can be more than double.
“Foolishness” represents areas with potential for improvement.
Writing down these “foolish” things in the workflow and figuring out how to eliminate them involves “trickery skills.” How many approaches can you think of to trick the system?
“to-be” (the desired state) = “Foolishness × Trickery.”
If engineers (or designers) with few trickery skills create a system, it ends up as mere digitization (analog to digital conversion). Systems with some trickery achieve digitalization (IT adoption), and those with extensive trickery that change the entire business process are digital transformations (DX).
Now, we need to feed data created through DX into AI to come up with more ways for humans to trick the system, which we call “delegation.” Hence, future system engineers and designers need to be like this.
Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Master the skills of foolishness, trickery, and delegation.”