野口 高志 株式会社ダックビル / CEO
“Comparing Yourself to Others Will Only Hurt You”
(The photo is of a cherished set of prayer beads)
A person who was one year older than me, and whom I greatly respected, has passed away. He was always laughing, giving his all in both work and play. He was powerful, charismatic, and always surrounded by people. I could never smile as naturally as he did. Being close in age, I think I always felt a sense of inferiority around him.
After his wake, I couldn’t sleep well. If I died today, would I have been happy? If not, what should I have done differently? These thoughts kept circling in my mind.
Should I have studied harder? Worked more diligently? Focused on family life, consumption, or buying things? If these things are now beyond my reach, how should I live from now on so that when I die, I can feel content? Sentimental thoughts from an old guy, huh? Heavy stuff, I know.
If I could go back to my younger days, what would I do? First, I’d work tirelessly to improve my abilities. With those skills, I’d dive into work and earn a lot of money. Then, I’d use that money for fulfilling relationships, enjoyable consumption, and, if possible, build a warm family.
…Well, I did that. I worked hard and did it all in the past. In the end, I pushed myself beyond my limits and crashed spectacularly. During that time, I was even featured in the media and got a lot of attention. But looking back, I was constantly feeling chased and filled with fear. I must have indulged in many luxuries, but none of it really left a lasting impression.
I guess I wasn’t aiming to become the “me I wanted to be,” but rather, the “me others envied.” And, well… self-esteem born from comparing yourself to others is never something worth holding onto.
That must have been it… My friend, one year my senior, cherished being the person he truly wanted to be. And I felt jealous of that, which led to my sense of inferiority. I truly wish my friend, who lived life to the fullest in his own way, eternal peace.
Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
“Let’s aim to be the people we want to be!”